Volvo S60 Haynes Manual - If you have a repair task to do then ensure that a Haynes Manual is in your toolkit. These invaluable books will save you time and money on repairing your car, ensuring that you do it efficiently and effectively – whatever the task.  Chapters cover roadside repairs, MOT preparation, weekly vehicle checks, in-car engine repair and much much more.  

Haynes Manuals are in-depth, with all the technical expertise that you need, but they are written in a clear, easy-to-understand format for everyone to use. No need to worry about not understanding the technical jargon, there are pictures, step-by-step guides and more. Stop losing sleep over that knocking sound, or the noise coming from the exhaust. With a manual by your side you can undertake basic and advanced repairs with confidence.

Trusted by the trade, these are the world’s best selling car repair manuals and they will help you to keep your Volvo S60 in tip top condition.

Models covered:

S60 Saloon, inc. special/limited editions. Does not cover bi-fuel or AWD models, or S60R. 

Petrol: 2.0 litre (1984cc), 2.3 litre (2319cc), 2.4 litre (2401cc & 2435cc) & 2.5 litre (2521cc) 

Turbo-Diesel: 2.4/2.5 litre (2401cc) 

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